Monday, January 21, 2013

Cross Browser Testing using Selenium 2

Recently I was working in a POC for Cross Browser testing using Selenium 2. My objective is to automate the application in IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari ( MAC). I will share basic code and observation in this post.
 Prerequisite: Web Driver 2.25.jar, Eclipse IDE, ChromeDriver.exe, IE Driver.exe, Safari Extension.

  • On IE 7 or higher on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you must set the Protected Mode settings for each zone to be the same value. The value can be on or off, as long as it is the same for every zone. To set the Protected Mode settings, choose "Internet Options..." from the Tools menu, and click on the Security tab. For each zone, there will be a check box at the bottom of the tab labeled "Enable Protected Mode".
  • The browser zoom level must be set to 100% so that the native mouse events can be set to the correct coordinates for IE driver.
  • As Safari web driver is not available, currently Safari Driver is implemented as a Safari browser extension. Refer below link to configure safari extension

public class ResourceManager {
     private WebDriver driver;
     public static WebDriver globalSeleniumInstance;
     @Parameters({ "browser"})
      public void beforeSuite(int browser) throws MalformedURLException
                System.out.println("browser is "+ browser);
                case 1 :
                                System.out.println("Running FireFox");
               driver = new FirefoxDriver();
               case 2 :
                                  System.out.println("Running Chrome");
                                driver = new ChromeDriver();
               case 3 :
                                DesiredCapabilities dc = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer();
          dc.setCapability(InternetExplorerDriver.INTRODUCE_FLAKINESS_BY_IGNORING_SECURITY_DOMAINS, true); 
              driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(dc);
               case 4:
                                System.out.println("Running Safari");
                                driver = new SafariDriver();
               default :
                                driver = new FirefoxDriver();
      globalSeleniumInstance = driver;

  public void afterSuite() throws InterruptedException {
                                 System.out.println("after Suite");

Observation:  Chrome and Firefox driver worked very well.  I faced some issue with IE Driver. IEDriver is slow compare to Chrome and Firefox driver. Also some time we are getting out of focus issue with IE Driver.
As stated earlier, Safari driver is not fully functional, some operation like Drag & Drop are not yet supported. As an alternative we can use java script to perform those operations or can use Java.awt.robot class to simulate mouse movement or Drag & Drop operation in Safari Web driver.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

QTP Automation Object Model

We use QTP AOM to automate QTP execution  Below is sample AOM Code which load all the libary , SOR at run time  Input excel contains Testcase name, Run status etc. We can use this script from scheduler to execute QTP execution without any manual intervention. 

Option Explicit
Dim objQTPApp 'Declares the Application Object Variable
Dim objQTPTest 'Declares a Test Object Variable
Dim objQTPResultsOpt 'Declares a Results Option Variables
Dim objQTPLibraries '' Declare a test's libraries collection variable
Dim objQTPRepositories ''Declare an action's object repositories collection variable
Dim objInputDataFile,objCurWorksheet
Dim strInputDataFilePath,strSuiteInputDataFilePath,strTestScriptFolderPath,strLibraryFileFolder,strObjRepositoryFolder
Dim intRowCnt,intCurRow,strExeKeyword,strTestScriptsName,strResultStatus,strExectionResultPath

strSuiteInputDataFilePath="\\QA Automation\Input Data\COX Test Automation Suite.xls"
strTestScriptFolderPath="\\QA Automation\Test Scripts\"
strLibraryFileFolder="\\QA Automation\Functions\"
strObjRepositoryFolder="\\QA Automation\Object Repository\"
strExectionResultPath="\\QA Automation\Execution Report\Suite Execution Report_"&Replace(Replace(Replace(Now,"/","-")," ","_"),":","-")

Set objQTPApp=CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Creating QTP AOM object
objQTPApp.Visible =True

' Set QuickTest run options
objQTPApp.Options.Run.ImageCaptureForTestResults = "OnError"
objQTPApp.Options.Run.RunMode = "Normal"
objQTPApp.Options.Run.ViewResults = False

'Creating an Excel Object  For Readnig Input Data
Set objInputDataFile=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Opening Input data Excel in Read - Write Mode
objInputDataFile.Workbooks.Open strSuiteInputDataFilePath,True,True
Set objCurWorksheet=objInputDataFile.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
intRowCnt = objCurWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
intKeyWordCol=5 ' Column 5 Holds the Keyword like Yes or No
intTestNamecol=4 ' Column 4 Holds the TestCase name same to Testscript name

For intCurRow=2 to intRowCnt
If LCase(Trim(strExeKeyword))="yes" Then
objQTPApp.Open strTestScriptFolderPath&strTestScriptsName, False, False
Set objQTPTest= objQTPApp.Test
Set objQTPLibraries=objQTPTest.Settings.Resources.Libraries
objQTPLibraries.Add strLibraryFileFolder&"Framework.qfl"
objQTPLibraries.Add strLibraryFileFolder&"EnvVariable.qfl"
Set objQTPRepositories=objQTPTest.Actions("Action1").ObjectRepositories
objQTPRepositories.Add strObjRepositoryFolder&"SharedRep.tsr"
Set objQTPResultsOpt=CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions")
objQTPTest.Run  objQTPResultsOpt
If  strResultStatus="Warning" Then
End If

End If

objInputDataFile.Activeworkbook.SaveAs strExectionResultPath

Set objQTPResultsOpt=Nothing
Set objQTPTest=Nothing
Set objQTPRepositories=Nothing
Set objQTPLibraries=Nothing

Set objQTPApp= Nothing
Set objInputDataFile=Nothing
Set objCurWorksheet=Nothing

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ALM – QTP 11 connection reference:

Using QCUtil object we can connect ALM from QTP
QCUtil have below property
1)      CurrentRun Property:  Its return QC OTA Run object of current execution. Indicate Run properties of the Test in the Test Plan Tab.
 Set cRun=qcutil.CurrentRun

2)      CurrentTest Property:  Its return QC OTA Test object. Refer to test in Test Plan tab in ALM.
dim CurrentTest
set CurrentTest = QCUtil.CurrentTest
Reporter.ReportEvent 2,"Current Test", CurrentTest.Name

3)      CurrentTestSet Property: Returns the Quality Center OTA TestSet object. CurrentTestSet present in Test Lab tab in QC.
dim CurrentTSTest
set CurrentTSTest = QCUtil.CurrentTestSet
strTestSetName= CurrentTSTest.Name

4)      CurrentTestSetTest Property: Returns the Quality Center OTA TSTest object, which represents an execution instance. Refer to test in Test Lab tab.
Dim CurrentTSTestSet

set CurrentTSTestSet = QCUtil.CurrentTestSetTest
5)      IsConnected Property: Indicates whether QuickTest is currently connected to a Quality Center project. It is recommended to insert an IsConnected step before other Quality Center operations.
if QCUtil.IsConnected then
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,”QC Connected”, “QC Connection already exists”
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,”QC Connected”, “QC Connection not available”

6)      QCConnection Property: Returns the Quality Center OTA QCConnection object, which represents the current Quality Center session and provides access to the Quality Center object model.
Dim QCConnection
Set QCConnection = QCUtil.QCConnection
'Get the IBugFactory
Set BugFactory = QCConnection.BugFactory
'Add a new, empty defect
Set Bug = BugFactory.AddItem (Nothing)
'Enter values for required fields
Bug.Status = "New"
Bug.Summary = "New defect"
Bug.DetectedBy = "admin" ' user that must exist in the database's user list
'Post the bug to the database ( commit )

All above method will work if QTP is already connected with ALM using Quality Center Connection menu. We can also connect with ALM using QTP AOM.
set objQTPApp=CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
Set objALMCon=objQTPApp.TDConnection
If  not objALMCon.IsConnected Then
                objALMCon.Connect "serverurl", "domain name", "project name","username", "password"
End If

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mobile Application Test Automation

Mobile Application Test Automation

Author: Mrinal Nandi


This document is to give a brief overview of Mobile application automation testing and to identify the different type of mobile application testing tools available in the market and to analyse the feasibility of these tools to fulfill the business needs.


The market for mobile applications increases every day and is becoming more and more demanding as technology grows. Testing of mobile application is also getting more importance beside the development of application. As with conventional applications, there is an increased need to automate mobile applications testing to improve scale and efficiency. A well-orchestrated automation strategy enables software developers to reduce effort and accelerate time to market.

Few Challenges in Mobile Application Test Automation:

  •  Device Diversity:
1.       Multiple platforms and browsers application testing.
2.       Rendering differences.

    ·         Security Concern:
1.       For IOS devices, few automation tools require Jail Breaking to access application property which might change actual device behavior.
2.       For Android device, some tools require root or super user privilege to run application for automation testing.

  •        Hardware Challenges:
1.       Limitations in processing speed.
2.    Limitations of mobile memory size.

Type of Mobile Application:

Native Mobile Apps- Built using the native programming language for the platform like iPhone or iPad apps built using Objective-C, and Android application built with Java. Native apps are fast, provide better user experience and interface and have access to all device features for which it is built. On the down side, a native app can be used only for its specific platform thereby restricting the reach. For e.g., an android app cannot be run on an iPhone and viceversa. If you want to cover a larger audience across all platforms, you will need to have separate native apps for them.
Web Apps - A website built using HTML5, CSS3 etc., which resembles an application and can be accessed through a mobile browser is called a web app. The biggest advantage of web apps is that it can be used across all platforms and devices. However, web apps are not accepted in any of the native app stores thereby cutting off an important distribution channel for the app developers. Also, web apps cannot access or use the native APIs or device specific hardware features.
Hybrid Apps –A hybrid app is basically an app developed in combination with HTML 5 and native technology. For cross platform reach, developers would need to code the native part separately for each platform but they can use the same HTML5 part across all of them.

Object Identification Technique:

Imaged Based object identification: Record each test object as image and matched these object with run time images available in GUI.
OCR Object identification: The OCR feature is used to obtain the text of a control on the screen. To determine the text, it uses specific algorithms that “read” the text character by character.
Real Object or native object identification: Identify object on unique object attribute like: “id”, “name”, “class”.
DOM based identification: Identify object for web application by using DOM property. 

Automated testing with emulators VS Actual Devices:

 Mobile emulators are powerful tools for developing mobile applications and are widely used for both manual and automated mobile application testing. On the other hand, since mobile applications are used on real handsets and not emulators, testing on real devices during the QA process is required to ensure the highest level of application quality.
The pros and cons of each of these approaches must be carefully considered by enterprises when formulating their mobile testing strategy. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of each approach:

Mobile Emulators: Pros

Price - Mobile emulators are free and provided as part of the SDK with each new OS release.
Simple - Just download the software, install on your PC and you're ready to go. Multiple emulators can be run in a simple and straightforward manner.
Fast – Since emulators are simple client software that runs locally on your PC, they have less latency than real devices connected to the local network or in the cloud.

Mobile Emulators: Cons

Increased Risk - With emulators, by definition, you are not testing on the same platform and network used by your users. This means that even if all goes well, you cannot be 100% sure it will actually work on a real device.
Hardware and Software Differences – Emulators are typically a "plain vanilla" version of the OS and often do not reflect the specific hardware and software features of each supported device. In addition, as time passes following an OS version release, the emulators are not updated to reflect new devices available in the market.
Differences in Computing Resources – Depending on the processing power of the PC running the emulator and the type of handset or smartphone being used for testing, performance on the emulator may be unrealistically good or bad.

Real Devices: Pros

Reliability - Testing on real handsets always gives you accurate results (no false positives or false negatives).
Interoperability testing - Real device testing is typically performed in a live network.
True user experience - Testing on real devices is the only way to truly understand the user experience, taking into account the CPU, memory, screen size, etc. for a given device.
Performance testing - Easier to expose performance defects with real handsets, as well as defects which are the result of the handset itself or its environment.

Real Devices: Cons

Logistics and costs - Best practices call for testing on up to 30-40 devices in your market and replacing ~30% of those each quarter to stay up to date. The efforts involved in procuring and managing these devices are significant.

Type of automation tools:

Device screen sharing using VNC server:Mobile Device use remote display tool (ex: VNC server) to share the device screen with Computer in which the tools is loaded. Tools captured the Image and text available in Mobile device screen available in PC by using tools like VNC Viewer.
Example: EggPlant, Sikuli,TestQuest 10

Easy to create the test script.
 Maintenance of the scripts could be very poor due change in screen resolution, device orientation and etc.
Cannot work in complex graphical application.
Jail breaking or rooting might be required to install VNC Server on device.

2.    Application integrated with tool Library:Library or code provided by Test Tool provider integrated or complied with the application to get access of native object.
Example: SeeTest, CloudTest Lite, M Eux(Jamo Solution).

Object identification based on native object.
Create stable script as object identification does not depend on screen resolution or device orientation.
Same script can work on multiple versions of devices as long devices run on same application version.
 Library or code file need to compile with actual application to get the access of native objects.

Automation Tools for Mobile application:


Implementing automation testing in mobile application helps organization to reduce costs with maintaining quality and time-to-market delivery. Several tools are available in market for automating testing of mobile application. All it requires is to choose right tool depending upon various factor of mobile application and business needs.
Taking into account the pros and cons of mobile emulators and real devices, it would appear that the optimal mobile testing solution for enterprises is not "either-or" but rather "a combination of both."
If jail breaking/ rooting is not an issue for our application testing then there are multiple tools are available (Ex: eggplant (Paid), TestQuest 10(Paid), Sikuli(Freeware)). These tools use advance image and text identification technique to identify each object in device screen. 
But jail breaking/ rooting might change actual device behavior  so then we can chose another approach where we need to compile application code with tool’s library. This approach will provide access to application level object and create much more stable scripts than earlier approach. Several good tools available in market which provide application level object as well as Image and Text object identification (Ex: SeeTest, M Eux(Jamo Solution)).



 * Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My first blog is regarding: QTP Synchronization.

Three type of Synchronization available in QTP:
1) Sync:
Waits for the browser to complete current navigation.
Only supported by web.

Ex: Browser("Google").Page("Google").Sync

2) Wait:QTP execution halt for specific period of time.

Ex. wait(5000)

3) Waitproperty is used to verify the property of object within a specific time.

 Ex:  Window("Windowname").WinObject
("Objectname").waitproperty("enabled", true, 2000)
Here QTP will wait a maximum of 2000 msec.  If the enabled
property becomes true before 2000 msec, then QTP will move
to the next step.